GE, Operators.
Welcome to WEEK #128.
You’re going to have to do some thinking this time out.
One thing that I’ve seen overlooked in EMCOMM planning is how stations will be manned during an event or exercise. Most exercises are only a couple of hours, it’s easy to forget what it could be like to run a station for a day or more.
This week you will be assigned to run a radio station for a served agency for 48hrs.
The assigned location will be determined by the last digit of the year that you graduated high school (or its equivalent).
If that digit is ODD: You are assigned to Engine Company 45 in Crisis Corners.
If it is EVEN: You are assigned to EMS 12 in Disasterville.
I have Winlink emailed a spreadsheet of available assets to all participating operators. If you don’t get a copy, send an email to: SNJWW and I’ll send it to you ASAP.
To determine your personal assets, use the last digit of your home phone number. For example: If my phone number is 555-1234, I would use the assets on Key #4. I will have to divvy up 2 Extra Class, 1 General, 2 Technicians, 1 newly licensed Technician and 1 unlicensed logger (that has no radio expience) to cover a radio station over the course of 48 hours.
I would prefer that you create your schedule in a spreadsheet, but you could also use an ICS213 or other form of your choosing.
Please comment on why you’ve chosen your schedule. How did you decide who would operate together? How long will each shift be and why? How will you handle using HF in addition to UHF/VHF? (We will assume that your served agency requires the use of NVIS HF as well as local repeaters)
As I said earlier: This is a thinking exercise in addition to our regular Winlink work. Often times an exercise will post an operator at a location for a simulated period of time, 24 or 48 hours. In most cases, that just isn’t practical. Operators need breaks and rest periods. You may need an operator and a logger working together. You might need a runner, too. Two hour shifts are ideal to prevent fatigue, but may not be practical depending on the number of operators that are available. A little bit of thought now may make things easier during an actual activation.
Please send your 48 hour schedule to: SNJOEM
As always, have fun!