GE, Operators.
Welcome to Week #121.
There were a lot of great suggestions from last week’s net. We’ll start working them into future nets, in no particular order. Thanks for all your help.
Tornados have been wreaking havoc around the country lately, including here in SNJ. Let’s use that as fodder for this week’s net.
Please open a Severe Weather Report Form (Select Template/Standard Templates/Weather Forms/Severe WX)
Put your information in the Header. This will be a FIRST REPORT. Your phone number will be: (888)555-1234.
Bonus points for filling in your lat/long or MGRS coordinates.
Use the numbered line in the table at the link that corresponds to the last digit of your telephone number to complete your form. Leave any other observed conditions blank.
The link is here:
Put This is a drill in the additional comments section.
Send your completed form to: SNJNWS
That’s it.
Have fun!