GE, Operators.
Welcome to Week #91.
You’re on the move again this week. Storm victims are arriving at the Calamity City Trauma Center too fast for them to treat them effectively. They have requested a radio operator to relay triage information from the CCT Center to the Hazard County Hospital. The Hazard County EOC has approved their request and has assigned you to the task.
Before you leave the Hazard County Hospital, open the ICS210 that you’ve been keeping over the past few weeks; log your reassigned location; and save this information for future use.
When you arrive at the Calamity City Trauma Center they ask you to prepare an HICS254 Disaster Victim/Patient Tracking Form. (Select Template/Standard Templates/HICS Forms/HICS254)
This form is very similar to the JPATS form we used last week.
Put the following information in the form:
Incident Name: Hazard County Extreme Weather Event
Operational Period #1
Date: 08/31/2022 to 09/01/2022
Time: 0600L to 2359L
Area: Triage
At the bottom:
Prepared by: Ned Flanders MD at Calamity City Trauma Center
Here’s a link to this week’s spreadsheet:
Load its information into the form and hit the Save HICS254 button at the bottom of the form.
Send your completed HICS254 to: SNJMED
That’s it.
Have fun!
PS: You do not have to send your ICS210. I’ll ask for it at the end of the multi-week exercise.