GE, Operators.
Welcome to Week #84.
Everyone did a great job with the ICS214A forms. Some of you just entered times and others added the date. Either way was fine. Well done! But we’re not done yet…
This week’s net has two parts.
To continue the Multi-week exercise where we left off: We’re going to work with an ICS210 now. (Select Template/Standard Templates/ICS Forms/ICS210)
Put your callsign in the Header. The Incident Name is Hazard County Extreme Weather Event. Fill in the FROM time and date. Leave the TO boxes blank for now.
Your Resource Number will be: 0722-004
From the previous nets, you should either be at a FIRE/EMS Station or a Shelter. That will be your first entry on the ICS210 in the FROM box. You are now being assigned to the Hazard County EOC. Enter your current date and time.
Save the form’s data for future nets. You will be reassigned to other locations in future nets.
SNJOEM will send all net operators an ICS213. If you don’t get one, send me a Winlink email.
Follow the instructions contained in the form.
That’s it.
Have fun!