GE, Operators.
Welcome to Week #82 of our ongoing multi-week exercise.
If you’ve been participating from the first week, you are operating from either a FIRE/EMS station or a shelter. We’re going to keep you there for this exercise.
Your served agency point of contact (POC) is concerned that more extreme weather may be on the way and could hamper Hazard County’s recovery effort. He wants to know the weather outlook for at least the next 5 days.
You’re going to use a Winlink Catalog Request (under the Settings tab). Scroll down toward the bottom of the Categories menu and select WX_US (Robert DC7RF: You can use the best forecast area for your location. I do not see Germany listed)
After clicking on WX_US, select the forecast closest to you location and double click to post your request to your Outbox. Open a session and send the request. Wait a few minutes to open another session to receive your weather forecast.
Forward that forecast to: SNJOEM
Don’t forget to open an ICS214A and load your saved data from last week. Add this week’s traffic and save it again, for next week. (Incoming; Outgoing; and Forwarded)
Let me know if you have any problems or questions.
Have fun!