GE, Operators.
Welcome to Week #67.
We’re going to revisit the Nearby Users Inquiry from Week #48. There’s a new and easier way to access this information using the Catalog Map Capable Downloads under Mapping-GIS Forms list in your Standard Templates Menu (Select Template/Standard Templates/MAPPING-GIS FORMS/Catalog Map Capable Downloads)
First (If you haven’t already done this during previous nets): Winlink needs to know your position. If you never reported your location (or would like to update it), Click on GPS/Position Reports under the Settings tab. Either enter the coordinates manually or by GPS. When you’re done click on the Post Report button at the bottom.
When you click on Catalog Map Capable Downloads, a browser window will open up. You will have two options: WL2K_MOBILES and WL2K_NEARBY. Click on the NEARBY option. (For some reason, the MOBILES option generates a large response (20+ kb). It might be best to avoid this if you use HF to connect to Winlink)
Click on SUBMIT and post the Inquiry to your Outbox. Open a session and send it. Wait a bit and open another session. You should get a response in your Inbox. It will contain the raw data. If you’d like something a little more graphic, click on the Message Tab in Winlink Express and select Generate Maps and CSV Files for Forms. A new window will open. Nearby Position Reports should now be available in the Select Form drop-down menu. Now TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER’S INTERNET CONNECTION. Select Nearby Position Reports and generate an ARCGIS Topo map. (You should still have map tiles cached from our Week #63 exercise. If not, turn your internet back on and go back to Week #63 and cache them. Southern New Jersey Section EmComm » Week #63 LOCAL WX REPORT; CACHE MAP TILES (
In the upper left of your map, click on Set Filters. On the Range line, select < = and type in a distance of 100. Check the MARK RED box and then hit SAVE. Now operators within 100nm will be marked with a red pin. Zoom out to show some operators outside that range and Save as JPEG.
Email that image to me, either by:
By regular email to: NJ2N at arrl dot net
Don’t try to send it by radio, the image is way too big.
And that’s it.
Have fun!
If you have to go back to Week #63, use any form in your Select Forms drop-down menu. Once the map is cached, it is available for any map listed under Select Forms.