Southern New Jersey Section EmComm

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2/23/2021 3:29 pm  #1

Week #12 Regular Winlink Email Check-in

GA, Operators.
It's hard to believe, but this week's net marks the third month of the SNJ Winlink Wednesday.
Thanks for making it a big success.
This week, we're going to circle back to the basic check-in. Just put the following in the message body of a regular Winlink email:
Subject: Winlink Wednesday Check-In
Message body: call sign, first name, city or town, county, state (HF or VHF, etc.)
For example: NJ2N, Tim, Manahawkin, OCEAN, NJ (HF ARDOP) 
Hope to see you tomorrow.
PS: There's a new Android app out for Winlink. It's still in beta testing. I've been messing with it, with little success.
That's probably more my fault than the app's.
Here's a link to it's info: WoAD (


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