GM, Operators.
Welcome to Week #116.
[NOTE: If you are new to Winlink Wednesday, or did not participate in the last three nets, please check-in with a regular email with the following in the message body:
Your Name; Callsign; County; State; and Winlink Mode [i](VARA, ARDOP, Packet, etc..)
Send it to: SNJWW
As always: Telnet Winlink is acceptable if RF is not an option]
For this week’s net, I’d like to get some feedback on the “Key” method of generating realtime exercise traffic that we covered during the last three nets.
Please use a Quick Message template (under the General Tab).
From: Your Name and Callsign
Subject: Key Method AAR
In the Message Body please put any comments or suggestions, and answer the following questions:
1) Do you think this method could be useful to generate realtime exercise traffic?
2) How likely are you to use this method when planning your group’s next exercise? Or mention it to the exercise planners in your group?
3) Would you like to revisit this method with other forms during future nets?
Here’s a quick recap of the theory behind the Key Method:During an actual activation or deployment, traffic would be handed to operators sight unseen. They would have to deal with either sending forms by Voice that weren’t designed for Phone, or typing information into FLMSG or Winlink, error-free and as quickly as possible.
This method replicates some of that stress in a controlled fashion. And this isn’t just at the field operator’s end either. The receiving station or stations don’t know exactly which message they’ll be getting either – even if they made up the messages.
Traffic tends to be an afterthought during many exercises. The focus is on operating the equipment. Hopefully the Key Method can help balance the two and make all of us just a little more prepared to deploy.
Have fun.