GM, Operators.
Welcome to Week #112 of the SNJ Winlink Wednesday Net.
This week will be the first of three that will introduce a method of generating “realtime” traffic for training exercises (as opposed to pre-distributed, “canned” exercise traffic or relying on individuals to make up their own traffic).
We’re going to start out with the basic concept this time, just to keep it simple. Here’s the plan:
The Net will send an ICS213 message to SNJOEM. Fill in the Header and Footer as follows:
Incident Name: SNJ Winlink Wednesday Net
To: Barry Seal Hazard County OEM
From: Larry Mullen Disasterville EOC
Subject: POD Status
Message Body:
There are two message options:
[*]Disasterville CERT has 11 members on site and ready to open POD #2.
[*]Request 4 additional CERT members for traffic control at POD #3.
Approved by: Chester Thompson Disasterville City Mgr
If your birthday is on an even numbered date…Send the first message. If it’s odd, send the second. That’s it. Pretty simple, eh?
The basic idea is: During an exercise, operators would not know which message they would send until Net Control broadcasts the “key” – in this case, whether your birth date is odd or even. This can add some pressure and a time constraint to exercise traffic. Also, Net Control won’t know which message any given operator will send in advance. This can add some realism on their end as well.
Have fun!