GE, Operators.
Welcome to Week #93.
The annual ARRL Simulated Emergency Training exercise is coming up on October 1.
The SNJ Section Leadership has asked me to devote a few Wednesdays to help prepare participating operators for it.
SNJ is focusing on the ICS213 and ICS214 forms this year. This should be a breeze for our regular Winlink Wednesday operators. If you’re new to the net, don’t hesitate to ask for help.
This week we’ll keep it simple: Please send an ICS213 to SNJWW. If you are an ARES member, or belong to any other EmComm group, put that information in the form’s header.
For example…
My header would read: Ocean County ARES.
If you do not belong to an EmComm group put Hazard County RACES in the header.
Incident Name is: ARRL SET Prep
To: Max Hardwick Hazard County EOC Mgr.
From: You
Subject: ARRL SET 2022
In the message body put whether or not you are participating in the 2022 SET. If you are, put down how you plan to participate (Net Control; Shelter Operator; Mobile; etc…) and any other pertinent information, such as: Will you use Winlink or FLDigi or Voice or all of the above?
When you’re done, send your ICS213 to: SNJWW
That’s it.
Have fun!