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GE, Operators.
Welcome to WW Wednesday #43. We’re going to work with the ICS309 this week.
This is one of the more common forms that radio operators use during exercises and activations. It records a station’s incoming and outgoing traffic (unlike an ICS214, which records “events” that occur during an operational period).
The ICS309 is difficult to practice. I searched the internet for a recording of a tactical net to use. I found nothing with good enough sound quality. Recently, I was able to record several nets myself. I’ve edited them into MP3 files – each a few minutes long.
Here is a link to the form’s Header and the MP3 file:
[NOTE: You have to subscribe to the SNJEmComm groups.io page to download the files. It is a free registration.]
For this week’s net: Fill in the Header as indicated; open the MP3 (3:24min); listen to it and record all of the traffic as if you are NET CONTROL. You will need to log Tactical Callsigns (SAG: Support & Gear Vehicles) and the number of Riders and Bikes they have onboard. You can also record anything else that you feel might be important. Use your local time for the time entries.
You can use a paper version of the ICS309 or record the traffic directly into the Winllink ICS309 Template. The important thing is to record the information in real-time, as you listen to it. This will give you a real-world assessment of how well you do.
Hopefully, this exercise will also help you develop a method of recording that works best for you. That way, if you ever have to use this form for real, you’ll be able to handle it with ease.
Please send your forms to: SNJWW
As always: Telnet check-ins are acceptable if RF is not an option.
Have fun!
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